Hexatronic Group AB
Hexatronic Group AB (publ) Delårsrapport januari – september 2021
02 nov. 2021 02h00 HE | Hexatronic Group AB
Nyckeltal      20212020  20212020 MSEKQ3Q3Δ % Jan-SeptJan-SeptΔ %Nettoomsättning905,2534,369% 2 322,11 481,057%EBITA105,563,267% 271,0139,095%EBITA-marginal11,7%11,8%  11,7%9,4% Rörelseresultat...
Hexatronic Group AB
Hexatronic Group AB (publ) Interim report January – September 2021
02 nov. 2021 02h00 HE | Hexatronic Group AB
  Key ratio     20212020  20212020 MSEKQ3Q3Δ % Jan-SeptJan-SeptΔ %Net sales905.2534.369% 2,322.11,481.057%EBITA105.563.267% 271.0139.095%EBITA margin11.7%11.8%  11.7%9.4% Operating result...
Photocat releases Half Year Report for 2021
16 août 2021 12h39 HE | Photocat A/S
Highlighs• Revenue in the first half-year of 2021 was mDKK 6.9 which, compared to the first half of 2020, was unchanged. It shows that we maintained business despite strong COVID-19 measures...
Delårsrapport januar
Delårsrapport januari - juni 2021
19 juil. 2021 02h00 HE | ZetaDisplay AB
Stark tillväxt och resultat samt genomförd strategisk översyn April - juni 2021 Nettoomsättningen ökade med 46,5 % till 108,7 (74,2) MSEKSaaS-intäkter ökade med 13,4 % till 43,5 (38,3) MSEK. Den...
Interim Report Janua
Interim Report January - June 2021
19 juil. 2021 02h00 HE | ZetaDisplay AB
Strong growth and result – strategic review completed April - June 2021 Net sales increased by 46.5% to SEK 108.7 (74.2) millionSaaS revenue increased by 13.4% to SEK 43.5 (38.3) million. Organic...
Hexatronic Group - D
Hexatronic Group - Delårsrapport januari – mars 2021
29 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Hexatronic Group AB
Hexatronic Group AB (publ)Delårsrapport januari – mars 2021   Viktiga händelser under kvartalet Hexatronic tecknar treårigt exklusivt avtal med Centric Fiber i USA till ett värde av ca 85...
Hexatronic Group - I
Hexatronic Group - Interim report January – March 2021
29 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Hexatronic Group AB
Hexatronic Group AB (publ)Interim report January – March 2021   Events during the quarter Hexatronic signs a 3-year exclusive agreement with Centric Fiber in USA, to a value of MUSD...
ZetaDisplay tidigare
ZetaDisplay tidigarelägger delårsrapporten för januari – mars 2021
22 avr. 2021 02h00 HE | ZetaDisplay AB
Malmö - ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: ZETA) meddelar att offentliggörandet av delårsrapporten för januari-mars 2021 tidigareläggs till den 27 april 2021 klockan 08:00. Mot bakgrund av...
ZetaDisplay brings f
ZetaDisplay brings forward the interim report for January – March 2021
22 avr. 2021 02h00 HE | ZetaDisplay AB
Malmö - ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: ZETA) announces that the publication of the interim report for January-March 2021 will be brought forward to April 27, 2021 at 08:00am CEST....
Interim report H2 2020
26 janv. 2021 02h00 HE | Photocat A/S
Highlights during the second half year of 2020 Revenue in the second half year of 2020 was 5,463.9 tDKK which compared to second half 2019 was an increase of 92,9%For the full year Revenue grew 80,6...