Enefit Greeni tootmi
Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – september ja III kvartal 2024
11 oct. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green tootis septembris 141 GWh ehk 48,3% võrra rohkem elektrienergiat eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes. Kolmanda kvartali kokkuvõttes kasvas Enefit Greeni elektritoodang peamiselt uute...
Enefit Green product
Enefit Green production data – September and Q3 2024
11 oct. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green produced 141 GWh of electricity in September, which is 48.3% more than in the same period last year. During Q3 as a whole, Enefit Green's electricity production increased by 31.8% to...
Enefit Greeni tootmi
Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – august 2024
12 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green tootis augustis 106,7 GWh elektrit, mida on 29,1% võrra enam kui augustis 2023. Tootmistulemust mõjutasid peamiselt uued – nii mullu valminud kui ka veel ehitusjärgus tuule- ja...
Enefit Green product
Enefit Green production data – August 2024
12 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green produced 106.7 GWh of electricity in August, or 29.1% more than in August 2023. The production result was mainly driven by new wind and solar farms in Lithuania, Finland, Poland and...
Enefit Greeni instal
Enefit Greeni installeeritud elektritootmise koguvõimsus ületas 1000 megavatti
06 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Eile, 5. septembril 2024, toimus Šilalė II tuulepargi (43 MW, Leedu) pidulik avamine. Täna pannakse nurgakivi Kelme II tuulepargi (87 MW, Leedu) ehitusele. Kelme II tuulepark kerkib ehituses oleva...
Enefit Green’s total
Enefit Green’s total installed electricity generation capacity exceeds 1000 megawatts
06 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Yesterday, on 5 September 2024, the opening ceremony of the Šilalė II wind farm (43 MW, Lithuania) took place. Today, the cornerstone will be laid for the construction of the Kelme II wind farm (87...