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12 ReTech Corporation Released its Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021.
01 avr. 2022 08h30 HE
12 Retech Corporation
For the Year Ending December 31, 2021, Revenue Slips 8.5% Below 2020 Full Year Revenue But the GAAP Net Loss Decreased from $21.7 million to $5.3 million, a 75.9% Improvement. Las Vegas,...
12 ReTech Corporation Released its Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2019.
22 juin 2020 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
The Company reports an annual revenue increase of $1,535,776 year over year! Las Vegas, NV & Hong Kong, June 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 12 ReTech Corporation (OTC: RETC), announced...
12 ReTech Hires the Founder of Kontent Kamp, Inc. as its Creative Director
10 déc. 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Las Vegas, NV & Hong Kong, Dec. 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 12 ReTech Corporation (OTC: RETC) announced today that it has hired Kontent Kamp’s, Kamp Kennedy, an international award-winning...
12 ReTech Completes Its 4th Acquisition of 2019.
21 nov. 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Social Decay, LLC dba Social Sunday becomes a 12 ReTech Subsidiary. Las Vegas, NV & Hong Kong, Nov. 21, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 12 ReTech Corporation (OTC: RETC) announced today that it has...
12 ReTech Corporation Releases its 3rd Quarter FY2019 Financial Results and Discusses the Significance of its Recent Bluwire Acquisition.
19 nov. 2019 11h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
3rd Quarter 2019 Revenues Were Up 345% Over the Same Period in 2018. Adjusted Net Profits Were Generated for the First Time in the Company’s History. Las Vegas, NV & Hong Kong, Nov. 19, 2019 ...
12 ReTech Corporation Releases its 2nd Quarter FY2019 Financial Results and Discusses Recent Operational Improvements
20 août 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Revenues in the 2nd Quarter of 2019 Were 14.2 Times Larger than Revenues in the Same Period in 2018. 2nd Quarter Operational Loss was half of the Same Period in 2018. Las Vegas, NV &...
12 ReTech Corporation’s RUNE NYC Exhibits at the Upcoming [pre] COTERIE Fashion Show at Javits Center in New York City.
05 juin 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Las Vegas, NV, Hong Kong & New York City, NY, June 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 12 ReTech Corporation (OTC: RETC), announced today that its fashion brand, Rune NYC (“RUNE”) will be exhibiting at...
12 ReTech Corporation Releases Improved First Quarter FY2019 Financial Results and Discusses Recent Business Progress.
21 mai 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Revenues in the First Quarter of 2019 by Itself Were 2.4 Times Larger Than Our Entire 2018 Revenue Results. First Quarter non-GAAP Net Loss Reduced by 25% Compared to Prior Year Period. Las Vegas,...
12 ReTech and its Subsidiaries Now Eligible for More Traditional Funding
25 avr. 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
*Rune NYC Receives $1.5 million Revolving Factoring Line of Credit. *Red Wire Group Has $50k Bank Line of Credit *12 ReTech to Receive up to $500,000 With Institutional PIPE Transaction Las Vegas,...
12 ReTech Corporation Annual Letter to Shareholders For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
18 avr. 2019 09h00 HE
12 Retech Corporation
Las Vegas, NV & Hong Kong, April 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dear Fellow Shareholder(s): First, I would like to take this time to thank many of our stakeholders including our...