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CENNZnet Announces Token Bridge for Major Blockchain Networks
29 nov. 2021 17h15 HE | CENNZnet
Auckland, NZ, Nov. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CENNZnet, a consumer-oriented blockchain project, has announced the introduction of its Token Bridge features. These will enable greater...
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GEX Management CEO Issues Shareholder Letter Strategic Roadmap - Entry into AI Driven Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Data Analytics Market.
01 sept. 2021 08h30 HE | GEX Management, Inc.
Dallas, TX., Sept. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GEX Management Inc (OTC Pink: GXXM), a Dallas based management consulting company. Dear Shareholders, As the new CEO of GEX Management, Inc...
Wesley Brook
CEO of Vale Bank the Brazilian multimillionaire Wesley Brook invests in a new Blockchain
05 avr. 2018 22h42 HE | Union Foundation
MIAMI, April 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Entrepreneur, Investor, Finances and Tax Expert, President of the United Brazilian Executives Association, CEO of Vale Bank S/A, a shareholder of Brooks...