CurrencyWorks Platform Now Supporting Payment Infrastructure for CaliCard and 5 Major Cannabis Retail and Delivery Brands in California
04 mai 2022 07h45 HE
CurrencyWorks Inc
Los Angeles, CA., May 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CurrencyWorks Inc. (“CurrencyWorks'' or the “Company”), (CSE: CWRK and OTCQB: CWRK), an award-winning, full-service blockchain platform provider,...
CurrencyWorks To Provide Technology and Services to CaliCard For Its Cashless Digital Currency Card
02 mars 2021 09h15 HE
CurrencyWorks Inc
CaliCard to service consumer businesses including licensed cannabis retail operators Los Angeles CA, March 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CurrencyWorks Inc. (“CurrencyWorks” or the “Company”), (TSXV:...