SERSTECH AB: Serstech launches a new software platform
31 mars 2021 04h00 HE | Serstech
Serstech today launches a new software platform, which replaces the previous ChemDash One PC application. The new platform is initially launched as three applications – ChemDash Lite, ChemDash Pro and...
SERSTECH AB: Annual report in swedish now availiable on company website
26 mars 2021 07h00 HE | Serstech
In the financial statements of 2020 Serstech is showing a modest growth of 9% for the full year. This should however be considered a strong growth number considering the second quarter stand-still and...
SERSTECH AB: Year-end Report 1 January - 31 December 2020
25 févr. 2021 02h45 HE | Serstech
FULL YEAR GROWTH, Q3 AND Q4 PROFITABLE Fourth Quarter 2020                                                                               Full Year 2020        • Net sales: KSEK 5 954 (3 824,...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech introduces Serstech Rental
22 févr. 2021 06h30 HE | Serstech
Starting today, Serstech offers its customers the option to rent complete solutions for chemical identification. The solutions include instruments, substance libraries, software and accessories and...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech receives 5.3 MSEK order from Asian partner DKSH
24 août 2020 02h00 HE | Serstech
Serstech today received a 5.3 MSEK order from its Asian partner DKSH. DKSH will deliver the products to a national narcotics police organization in South-East Asia. The order consists of the Serstech...
SERSTECH AB: Half-year report 1 January – 30 June 2020
20 juil. 2020 02h45 HE | Serstech
Serstech Group -                                                                    Serstech Group –                       Second quarter 2020                                                         ...
Beslut vid ordinarie årsstämma
27 avr. 2020 11h00 HE | SERSTECH AB
Serstechs årsstämma hölls den 27 april 2020. Beslöts att fastställa resultat och balansräkning. I enlighet med styrelsens förslag beslöts att ingen utdelning skulle lämnas. Beslöts att...
Resolutions from the Annual General Meeting
27 avr. 2020 11h00 HE | SERSTECH AB
Serstech's Annual General Meeting was held on 27th April 2020.The income statement and balance sheet were adopted.In accordance with the board's proposal, it was decided that no dividend should...
Serstech AB: First Quarter Report 1 January – 31 March 2020
27 avr. 2020 07h40 HE | SERSTECH AB
STRONG GROWTH, DESPITE CORONA EFFECT Serstech Group - First Quarter 2020 Net sales: KSEK 6 012 (3 251)Profit for the period: KSEK -3 206 (-3 660)Earnings per share SEK -0,04...
SERSTECH AB: Serstechs Årsredovisning för 2019 finns tillgänglig på hemsidan
06 avr. 2020 12h00 HE | SERSTECH AB
2019 var för Serstech ett år av god tillväxt och bolaget står väl rustat för att möta marknaden med ett allt starkare erbjudande och en väletablerad säljkanal. Samtidigt har den nuvarande utmaningen...