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CMR Surgical receives U.S. FDA Marketing Authorization for next-generation Versius Surgical System
15 oct. 2024 07h00 HE | CMR Surgical
Versius granted marketing authorization through FDA’s De Novo process which establishes initial indication for adults undergoing cholecystectomyGlobally, Versius is the second most utilized surgical...
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Minimally Invasive Surgery Market to Hit USD 324.9 Bn by 2031 | Transparency Market Research
13 avr. 2023 16h30 HE | Transparency Market Research
Wilmington, Delaware, United States, April 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global minimally invasive surgery market stood at USD 231.1 Bn in 2021 and is estimated to surpass USD 324.9 Bn by 2031,...