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Aderant Hosts Record-Breaking User Conference in Atlanta
28 avr. 2016 12h05 HE | Aderant
ATLANTA, April 28, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Last week, Aderant held their largest user conference to date in Atlanta, Georgia, where the legal software company is headquartered. The largest gathering...
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Expanded Docketing Technology Provides More Chicago Area Law Firms Direct Link to Courts
23 mars 2016 15h08 HE | Aderant
ATLANTA, March 23, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Legal software company Aderant announced today CompuLaw DocketAlert™ has expanded coverage in Chicago area jurisdictions. DocketAlert allows law firms...
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New eDOCS integration with Aderant CompuLaw abates risk potential and streamlines workflow for law firm docketing teams.
24 août 2015 14h04 HE | Aderant
ATLANTA, GA., Aug. 24, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aderant, the world's largest independent legal software company, is pleased to announce a new integration between Aderant CompuLaw and OpenText's eDOCS...