ONWARD annonce sa participation aux conférences à venir
16 janv. 2023 01h30 HE
ONWARD Medical
EINDHOVEN, Pays-Bas, LAUSANNE, Suisse, et BOSTON, MA, Etats-Unis, 16 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ONWARD Medical SA (Euronext: ONWD), société de technologie médicale créant des thérapies...
ONWARD kondigt deelname aan komende conferenties aan
16 janv. 2023 01h30 HE
ONWARD Medical
EINDHOVEN, Nederland, LAUSANNE, Zwitserland & BOSTON, MA, VS, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ONWARD Medical N.V. (Euronext: ONWD), het medische technologiebedrijf dat innovatieve therapieën...
ONWARD Announces Participation at Upcoming Events
16 janv. 2023 01h30 HE
ONWARD Medical
EINDHOVEN, the Netherlands, LAUSANNE, Switzerland, and BOSTON, MA USA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ONWARD Medical N.V. (Euronext: ONWD), the medical technology company creating innovative...
Solução de Desafios Críticos de Sensoriamento e Percepção, participe de Três Grandes Eventos Internacionais da LeddarTech em outubro de 2021
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A LeddarTech®, líder global em tecnologia de detecção ADAS e AD de Nível 1-5, tem o prazer de dar continuidade com a sua participação em vários eventos...
LeddarTech, 2021년 10월 열리는 국제 행사 3곳에 참가해 센싱 및 인지 관련 중요 문제 해결하는 솔루션 소개
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
캐나다 퀘벡시티, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 레벨 1~5 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템(ADAS) 및 자율주행(AD) 센싱 기술 분야 글로벌 리더인 LeddarTech®는 10월 중에 열리는 여러 디지털, 대면 행사에 출품사 및 전시사로 참가한다고 밝혔다. 이번에 열리는 가상 및 라이브 이벤트들은 고객사가 자동차 및 모빌리티...
重要なセンシングと認識の課題を解決 - レダーテックが2021年10月に3つの主要な国際イベントに参加
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
ケベックシティ発, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- レベル1~5の先進運転支援システム (ADAS) および自律型運転 (AD) センシング技術の世界的リーダーであるレダーテック (LeddarTech®)...
Menjawab Tantangan Utama terkait Pengindraan dan Persepsi, Bergabunglah dengan LeddarTech dalam Tiga Perhelatan Besar Internasional pada Bulan Oktober 2021
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech®, perusahaan global terkemuka dalam bidang teknologi pengindraan Level 1-5 ADAS dan AD, mengumumkan kelanjutan partisipasinya dalam sejumlah...
Lösungen für kritische Herausforderungen bei Sensorik und Umgebungswahrnehmung – LeddarTech im Oktober 2021 auf drei großen internationalen Veranstaltungen vertreten
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech®, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von ADAS- und AD-Sensortechnologie der Stufen 1–5, freut sich, seine Teilnahme als Aussteller und Referent...
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
魁北克市, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --...
Solving Critical Sensing and Perception Challenges, Join LeddarTech at Three Major International Events in October 2021
05 oct. 2021 00h14 HE
LeddarTech inc.
QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech®, a global leader in Level 1-5 ADAS and AD sensing technology, is pleased to continue its participation in several digital and in-person...