Cosmetic Dentist In NYC Dr. Lana Rozenberg Performs NightLase To Treat Snoring Without Surgery!
15 mars 2016 09h00 HE
Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S.
New York City, New York, March 15, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cosmetic dentist in NYC Dr. Lana Rozenberg is offering the NightLase snoring treatment to combat troublesome snoring and sleep apnea!...
NYC Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Rozenberg Featured In New Cosmetic Dentistry Book: A Cup of Coffee With 10 of The Top Cosmetic Dentists In The United States!
03 févr. 2015 09h00 HE
Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S.
New York City, New York, Feb. 3, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
NYC cosmetic dentist, Dr. Lana Rozenberg, is proud to be
featured in the new
cosmetic dentistry collection A Cup of Coffee With 10 of
Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S. Develops Rejuvenating Smile Lift as an Alternative to Plastic Surgery
24 août 2011 09h00 HE
Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S.
New York, NY, Aug. 24, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Lana Rozenberg, a leading New York cosmetic dentist and dental surgeon, announces the Rejuvenating Smile Lift™, a non-invasive cosmetic dental...