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Davison Veterinarian Gives Advice for New Pet Owners for Puppy and Kitten Care
16 sept. 2012 10h00 HE | Dunckel Veterinary Hospital
DAVISON, Mich., Sept. 16, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Davison veterinarian is making an effort to educate pet owners on proper puppy and kitten care, especially if they are raising either for the first...
Davison Veterinarian Announces New Online Pet Services
20 mai 2012 10h00 HE | Dunckel Veterinary Hospital
DAVISON, Mich., May 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dunckel Veterinary Hospital announced that their animal hospital has a new website, http://www.dunckelvet.com/. The new site features a Veterinary...