MNP Consumer Debt Index Plunges to 79 Points, the Second-Lowest Level Ever Recorded (-10pts)
13 janv. 2025 07h22 HE
The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index, conducted quarterly by Ipsos, dropped a staggering 10 points to 79 points, marking the second-lowest level on record.
L’Indice des dettes à la consommation de MNP fait un bond significatif, alors que l’image qu’ont les Canadiens de leur endettement s’améliore
08 avr. 2024 06h48 HE
Six répondants sur dix avouent être préoccupés par leur capacité à rembourser leurs dettes (58 %, -5 points).Près de la moitié (45 %) déclarent être à 200 $ ou moins de ne pas pouvoir s’acquitter de...
MNP Consumer Debt Index Rebounds Significantly (Up 8 Points) as Interest Rate Concerns Ease and Debt Perceptions Improve, Yet Repayment Anxiety Persists for Majority
08 avr. 2024 06h48 HE
MNP Consumer Debt Index rebounds (+8pts), Canadians' interest rate concerns ease, yet repayment anxiety persists for the majority.
BC Cost of Living Increasingly Driving Consumers to Insolvency, with Mental Health Suffering the Impacts of Debt-Stress – 11th Annual BC Consumer Debt Study
15 janv. 2024 08h00 HE
Sands & Associates
New BC Consumer Debt Study Findings Say Mental Health Suffering the Impacts of Debt-Stress, BC Cost of Living Increasingly Driving Consumer Insolvencies
MNP Consumer Debt Index Dips To Second-Lowest Level in Last 5 Years, Canadians’ Current Debt Perception Reaches All-Time Low
08 janv. 2024 08h16 HE
Growing concern and regret about debt: 63% (+1pt) are concerned about their ability to repay their debts, 47% (+2pts) regret the amount of debt they’ve taken on, 47% (+1pt) are concerned about their...
L’Indice des dettes à la consommation de MNP chute de 15 points et atteint un creux historique alors que les taux d’intérêt, l’inflation et l’abordabilité causent chez beaucoup de Canadiens de l’inquiétude face à leur endettement
16 janv. 2023 07h13 HE
Près de la moitié des répondants se disent préoccupés par leur niveau d’endettement actuel (47 %, +7 points).La moitié affirment regretter leur niveau d’endettement (49 %, +7 points).Sept répondants...
MNP Consumer Debt Index Plunges 15 Points to All-Time Low as Interest Rates, Inflation and Affordability Have Many Canadians Concerned About Their Debt
16 janv. 2023 07h13 HE
Nearly half say they are concerned about their current level of debt (47%, +7pts).Half say they regret the amount of debt they’ve taken on in life (49%, +7pts).Seven in ten say they are already...
Selon un rapport : Six Canadiens sur dix sont préoccupés par l’incidence des taux d’intérêt élevés sur leur situation financière, le plus haut niveau jamais enregistré
24 oct. 2022 11h21 HE
CALGARY, Alberta, 24 oct. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alors que la Banque du Canada fera sous peu une nouvelle annonce relative au taux directeur, un sondage réalisé récemment par Ipsos pour le compte...
Report: Six in Ten Canadians are Concerned About the Impact of Interest Rates on Their Financial Situation, Reaching the Highest Level on Record
24 oct. 2022 11h21 HE
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As another Bank of Canada interest rate announcement looms, a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD finds that six in ten Canadians...
Canadians in debt caught with pants down, seek loans from family, friends, banks – shy away from spouses
03 mars 2022 10h57 HE
TORONTO, March 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the country grapples with economic recovery two years into the pandemic, a financial priorities study of 1,519 Canadians, shows people are more likely...