Résultats de la recherche
CodeSee Launches Function Maps: A New Dawn in Code Understanding
14 nov. 2023 12h00 HE
CodeSee's new Function Maps transforms code understanding by visualizing code flow and function impact, boosting developer productivity and reducing errors
MightyMeld Releases Industry-First Visual Development Tool for Building Web Applications
01 nov. 2023 09h00 HE
MightyMeld, the visual way for web developers to build front end UIs with evolving codebases, has launched its open beta today.
Shipa Adds Auto-Discovery to Application-as-Code Platform with Launch of Shipa 1.4
11 oct. 2021 03h00 HE
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KUBECON -- Shipa, a cloud-native application-as-code platform that reduces complexity by empowering an AppOpps model of development, today...
Shipa Launches Shipa Cloud to Unburden Developer and DevOps Teams from Growing Kubernetes Complexities
03 juin 2021 07h00 HE
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shipa, Corp., which abstracts away Kubernetes complexity from application deployment and management, today announced the general availability...