WaterFurnace Announces Geothermal Homeowners Stimulus Event
04 janv. 2010 10h54 HE
WaterFurnace Renewable Energy
FORT WAYNE, IN--(Marketwire - January 4, 2010) - A new program from WaterFurnace International, Inc.
(TSX: WFI) offers up to $2,000 in rebates to homeowners who upgrade their
existing geothermal...
Expanded Tax Incentive Encourages Installation of Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
19 févr. 2009 11h38 HE
WaterFurnace International, Inc.
FORT WAYNE, IN--(Marketwire - February 19, 2009) - Homeowners who install geothermal heating
and cooling systems are eligible for increased tax incentives under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment...