Evli Pankki Oyj: Arv
Evli Pankki Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9. luvun 10 §:n mukainen liputusilmoitus
11 sept. 2020 08h00 HE | Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 11.9.2020 KLO 15.00 (EST/EEST) Evli Pankki Oyj (Y-tunnus 0533755-0) on saanut Oy Scripo Ab:lta arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 §:n mukaisen ilmoituksen, jonka mukaan Oy...
Evli Bank Plc: Flagg
Evli Bank Plc: Flagging announcement pursuant to Securities Markets Act Chapter 9, Section 10
11 sept. 2020 08h00 HE | Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 11, 2020, 3.00 PM (EST/EEST) Evli Bank Plc (business code 0533755-0) has received a disclosure under Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act,...
Evli Pankki Oyj: Arv
Evli Pankki Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9. luvun 10 §:n mukainen liputusilmoitus
11 sept. 2020 08h00 HE | Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 11.9.2020 KLO 15.00 (EST/EEST) Evli Pankki Oyj (Y-tunnus 0533755-0) on saanut Oy Prandium Ab:lta arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 §:n mukaisen ilmoituksen, jonka mukaan...
Evli Bank Plc: Flagg
Evli Bank Plc: Flagging announcement pursuant to Securities Markets Act Chapter 9, Section 10
11 sept. 2020 08h00 HE | Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 11, 2020, 3.00 PM (EST/EEST) Evli Bank Plc (business code 0533755-0) has received a disclosure under Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act,...
Evli Pankki Oyj: 375
Evli Pankki Oyj: 375.387 A-osakkeen muunto B-osakkeiksi
11 sept. 2020 03h00 HE | Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N PÖRSSITIEDOTE 11.9.2020 KLO 10.00 (EST/EEST) Evli Pankki Oyj:n hallitus on kokouksessaan 1.9.2020 päättänyt yhtiön hallussa olevien 375.387 A-osakkeen muuntamisesta B-osakkeiksi...
Evli Bank Plc: Conve
Evli Bank Plc: Conversion of 375,387 Series A shares to Series B shares
11 sept. 2020 03h00 HE | Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 11, 2020, 10.00 AM. (EST/EEST) The Board of Directors of Evli Bank Plc has in its meeting on September 1, 2020 decided to convert the 375,387 Series...
Uusi salkunhoitaja l
Uusi salkunhoitaja laajentaa Evlin tarjoomaa uudella omaisuusluokalla
08 sept. 2020 03h00 HE | Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 8.9.2020 KLO 10.00 (EET/EEST) Evlin lainastrategioista vastaavaksi salkunhoitajaksi on nimitetty 1. syyskuuta 2020 alkaen Jussi Hyyppä (KTM). Hyyppä siirtyi Evliin...
New portfolio manage
New portfolio manager expands Evli's offering, featuring new asset class
08 sept. 2020 03h00 HE | Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 AT 10.00 AM. (EET/EEST) Jussi Hyyppä (M.Sc. (Econ.)) has been appointed Evli's portfolio manager responsible for loan strategies as of September 1,...
Evli ja The Cardinal
Evli ja The Cardinal Partners Global yhteistyöhön Alankomaissa
07 sept. 2020 04h33 HE | Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 7.9.2020 KLO 11.30 (EET/EEST) Evli-Rahastoyhtiö on solminut The Cardinal Partners Global -yhtiön kanssa yhteistyösopimuksen, joka koskee Evlin rahastojen...
Evli teams up with T
Evli teams up with The Cardinal Partners Global to collaborate in the Netherlands
07 sept. 2020 04h33 HE | Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 AT 11.30 AM. (EET/EEST) Evli Fund Management Company Ltd has signed a co-operation agreement with The Cardinal Partners Global for the selling of Evli...