Stunt Pic 5
Fairtrade Canada Creates Stamp to Bruise Bananas With Dark Truths
01 nov. 2019 11h34 HE | Fairtrade Canada
OTTAWA, Nov. 01, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Unbeknownst to most consumers, Canada’s reliance on cheap bananas has dangerous impacts on the lives of farmers and workers across the banana industry –...
Emprebancoop en Colombie
Des bananes, mais à quel prix? : Une nouvelle campagne révèle ce qui se cache derrière la peau du fruit préféré au Canada
23 sept. 2019 16h31 HE | Fairtrade Canada
OTTAWA, 23 sept. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Il est difficile d’imaginer un monde sans bananes, mais divers défis ont mis le fruit préféré du Canada dans une position précaire. Sous la peau, une...
Linus Hallgren
What Price, Bananas?: New campaign pulls back the peel on Canada’s favorite fruit
23 sept. 2019 16h31 HE | Fairtrade Canada
OTTAWA, Sept. 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It’s hard to imagine a world without bananas, but a variety of challenges have put Canada’s favorite fruit in a precarious position. Behind the Peel, a new...
Femmes contentes de la bonne récolte de café
Ayons faim d’équité en ce mois de mai. Ajoutons Fairtrade dans nos activités quotidiennes.
01 mai 2019 19h30 HE | Fairtrade Canada
OTTAWA, 01 mai 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Partout au Canada, le mois de mai est dédié à la célébration, au plaidoyer et à l'éducation sur tous ce qui relatifs à Fairtrade. De nouvelles recherches...
Women happy with the good coffee harvest
Feed Empowerment this May. Make Fairtrade Part of Each Day
01 mai 2019 19h30 HE | Fairtrade Canada
OTTAWA, May 01, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Across Canada, the month of May is dedicated to celebrating, advocating for, and educating on all things Fairtrade. New Globescan research indicates that...
Bext360 Powers Blockchain Traceability For Token, The First Community-Owned Coffee Brand From Moyee Coffee and FairChain Foundation
22 juin 2018 13h28 HE | bext360
DENVER, June 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bext360, ​a​ ​company​ ​that​ ​develops​ ​technologies to​ ​streamline​ ​critical​ ​supply​ ​chains​ ​in​ ​emerging​ ​economies, today announced that it is...