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Progressive Ontario First Nation Adopts New Mobile App Technology to Connect With On and Off-Reserve Members
17 oct. 2022 09h00 HE
M’Chigeeng First Nation
M'CHIGEENG, Ontario, Oct. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The leadership of M’Chigeeng First Nation takes pride in being forward-focused and always looking for ways technology can serve their...
Osisko Development Signs Agreement With Williams Lake First Nation for the Cariboo Gold Project
05 juil. 2022 08h00 HE
Osisko Development Corp.
MONTREAL, July 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Osisko Development Corp. (“Osisko Development” or the “Company”) (ODV TSX.V & NYSE) is pleased to announce Williams Lake First Nation (“WLFN”) and...
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada Concludes Historic Meeting with Pope Francis with Powerful Statement from Performing Artists:
31 mars 2022 10h00 HE
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
The delegation of Indigenous dancers provided a glimpse into the link between tourism and reconciliation efforts COAST SALISH TERRITORY and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 31, 2022 (GLOBE...
Tsimshian Leadership Table signs historic protocol to work together and protect their lands and waters
11 mars 2022 14h43 HE
Tsimshian Leadership Table
PRINCE RUPERT, British Columbia, March 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Six Tsimshian Nations: Gitga’at Nation, Kitasoo / Xai’Xais Nation, Kitselas First Nation, Kitsumkalum First Nation, Lax Kw’alaams...
Lheidli T’enneh Ends Negotiations With Enbridge – Warns Indigenous Neighbours
25 mars 2021 13h00 HE
LHEIDLI T'ENNEH TERRITORY, British Columbia, March 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Lheidli T’enneh announced today they have ended negotiations which commenced last Fall, at Enbridge’s request,...
Former Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford Hospital Lands Returned to Matsqui First Nation
29 oct. 2020 13h40 HE
Matsqui First Nation
S'OLH TEMEXW and ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Matsqui First Nation (“Matsqui”) announced today that the former Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford Hospital lands located...
Osisko signe une entente avec la nation Lhtako Dene en lien avec le project aurifère Cariboo
13 oct. 2020 08h00 HE
Redevances Aurifères Osisko Ltée
MONTRÉAL, 13 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Redevances Aurifères Osisko Ltée (la « Société » ou « Osisko ») (TSX et NYSE : OR) annonce aujourd’hui que la Nation Lhtako Dene (« NLD ») et...
Osisko Signs Agreement with Lhtako Dene Nation for the Cariboo Gold Project
13 oct. 2020 08h00 HE
Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.
MONTREAL, Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OR: TSX & NYSE) today announced that the Lhtako Dene Nation (“LDN”) and Barkerville Gold Mines...
Atlantic Towing établit de nouveaux partenariats avec les Premières Nations de la C.-B. dans le cadre du contrat délivré par la Garde côtière
11 avr. 2019 14h20 HE
J.D. Irving, Limited
VICTORIA, Colombie-Britannique, 11 avr. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlantic Towing Limited (ATL) est heureuse d’annoncer trois nouveaux partenariats avec les collectivités autochtones de la...
Atlantic Towing Coast Guard Contract Sees New Partnerships With BC First Nations
11 avr. 2019 14h20 HE
J.D. Irving, Limited
VICTORIA, British Columbia, April 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlantic Towing Limited (ATL) is pleased to announce three new partnerships with Indigenous communities in British Columbia, for whom...