Résultats de la recherche
High-Speed Cameras: Market Size, Industry Dynamics, Opportunity Analysis and Forecast 2024-2031
08 janv. 2025 09h34 HE
Research and Markets
Dublin, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "High-Speed Camera Market by Spectrum, Component, Frame Rate, Throughput, Resolution, Interface, Application and Region - Market Size, Industry...
Global Robotic Vision (2D, 3D) Market Research Report 2023-2028 - Increasing Demand for Automation in Various Industries to Create Lucrative Opportunities
20 sept. 2023 04h08 HE
Research and Markets
Dublin, Sept. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Robotic Vision Market by Type (2D Vision, 3D Vision Systems), Hardware (Cameras, Lighting, Optics, Processors & Controllers, Frame...
Teledyne DALSA, 신형 CoaXPress 모델 3종으로 Xtium2 프레임 그래버 시리즈 확대
28 nov. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
최대 5GB/s의 데이터 전송 속도를 지원하는 신형 CXP v2.0 프레임 그래버 캐나다 워털루, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Technologies[NYSE:TDY] 회사이자 전 세계 머신 비전 기술의 선도기업인 Teledyne DALSA는 고성능 프레임 그래버인 Xtium™2-CXP 시리즈의...
Teledyne DALSAは、新しいCoaXPressモデルを3機種発表、Xtium2フレームグラバーシリーズを拡充
28 nov. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
新しいCXP v2.0フレームグラバーは、最大5 GB/秒のデータ転送レートをサポート カナダ、ウォータールー, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Technologies(NYSE: TDY)の傘下で、マシンビジョンテクノロジーのグローバルリーダー、Teledyne...
Teledyne DALSA 新增加了三款 CoaXPress接口標準 的Xtium2影像擷取卡系列
28 nov. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
新的 CXP v2.0 畫面擷取器支援高達 5 GB/s 的資料傳輸速率 加拿大滑鐵盧, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 旗下公司暨機器視覺技術領域全球領導者 Teledyne DALSA 宣佈推出高效能影像擷取卡 Xtium™2-CXP 系列。這些新的系列可不耗费任何...
Teledyne DALSA 新增加了三款CoaXPress接口标准的 Xtium2 系列图像采集卡
28 nov. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
加拿大滑铁卢, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 机器视觉技术的全球领导者,Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 公司旗下的 Teledyne DALSA 宣布推出其 Xtium™2-CXP 系列高性能图像采集卡。这些新系列图像采集卡以最大采集速率将图像数据传输到主机内存,并且不耗费任何...
Teledyne DALSA expands its Xtium2 frame grabber series with three new CoaXPress models
28 nov. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
WATERLOO, Ontario, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company and global leader in machine vision technology, announces its Xtium™2-CXP series of...
Teledyne Imaging to exhibit at ITE 2019
20 nov. 2019 18h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
WATERLOO, Ontario, Nov. 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA, Teledyne e2v, and Teledyne Lumenera, all Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY] companies will exhibit as Teledyne Imaging at the...
New Genie Nano-CXP Cameras offer Unprecedented Speed and High Resolution
30 mai 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
WATERLOO, Ontario, May 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies (NYSE: TDY) company and global leader in machine vision technology, is pleased to announce its new Genie...
New versatile multiline cameras enable 5 Gpix/sec high-speed imaging for demanding vision applications
30 avr. 2019 08h00 HE
Teledyne DALSA
WATERLOO, Ontario, April 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies company and global leader in machine vision technology, is pleased to announce that the first models of...