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CAE Adds Nakia Towns and Ingmar Berg to Its Board of Directors
25 janv. 2024 08h03 HE | CAE
CAE appoints new board members to help further its mission of improving the academic and career outcomes of secondary and higher education students.
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CAE and Territorium Partnership Adds a New Dimension to How Students Build Their Knowledge and Showcase Their Future-Ready Skills to Prospective Employers
14 nov. 2023 08h05 HE | CAE
CAE and Territorium partner to promote positive academic and career outcomes for students and educational institutions worldwide.
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Conversica Announces Fundraising Intelligent Virtual Assistant
28 juil. 2020 08h00 HE | Conversica
FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Conversica, Inc., the leader in Intelligent Virtual Assistants helping organizations attract, acquire and grow customers at scale, announced...