Résultats de la recherche

Evli Oyj:n hallitus
Evli Oyj:n hallitus päätti perustaa uuden osakepohjaisen kannustinjärjestelmän
14 sept. 2023 07h40 HE | Evli Oyj
EVLI OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 14.9.2023 KLO 14.40 (EET/EEST) Evli Oyj:n hallitus on päättänyt uuden osakepohjaisen kannustinjärjestelmän perustamisesta valikoiduille konsernin avainhenkilöille. Järjestelmän...
Board of Directors o
Board of Directors of Evli Plc resolved to establish a new share-based incentive plan
14 sept. 2023 07h40 HE | Evli Plc
EVLI PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2023, AT 2:40 PM (EET/EEST) The Board of Directors of Evli Plc has resolved to establish a new share-based incentive plan for selected key employees...
Evli Oyj:n hallitus
Evli Oyj:n hallitus päätti perustaa uuden osakepohjaisen kannustinjärjestelmän
07 mars 2023 10h45 HE | Evli Oyj
EVLI OYJ:N PÖRSSITIEDOTE 7.3.2023 KLO 17.45 (EET/EEST) Evli Oyj:n hallitus on päättänyt uuden osakepohjaisen kannustinjärjestelmän perustamisesta valikoiduille konsernin avainhenkilöille....
Board of Directors o
Board of Directors of Evli Plc decided to establish a new share-based incentive plan
07 mars 2023 10h45 HE | Evli Plc
EVLI PLC’S STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE ON MARCH 7, 2023, AT 5:45 PM (EET/EEST) The Board of Directors of Evli Plc has decided to establish a new share-based incentive plan for selected key employees of...
NOTICE TO DISREGARD -- Labrador Uranium Inc.
18 janv. 2023 07h45 HE | Labrador Uranium Inc.
TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are advised by Labrador Uranium Inc. that journalists and other readers should disregard the news release, "Labrador Uranium Announces Grant of Stock...
Labrador Uranium Announces Grant of Stock Options
18 janv. 2023 07h00 HE | Labrador Uranium Inc.
TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Labrador Uranium Inc. (“LUR”, “Labrador Uranium”, or the “Company”) (CSE: LUR, OTCQB: LURAF, FRA: EI1) announces that it has granted stock options to...
Magnetic North Acquisition Corp. Adopts Omnibus Incentive Plan
10 nov. 2020 18h29 HE | Magnetic North Acquisition Corp.
**Not for distribution to United States Newswire Services or release publication, distribution or dissemination, directly or indirectly, in the United States. Any failure to comply with this...
Norvista Adopts Long-Term Incentive Plan
29 juil. 2020 21h22 HE | Norvista Capital Corporation
TORONTO, July 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Norvista Capital Corporation. (“Norvista” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVV) reports that at its annual general and special meeting (“AGSM”) held on July 29,...
Suomisen hallitus on päättänyt avainhenkilöiden kannustinjärjestelmästä
04 juin 2019 06h00 HE | Suominen Oyj
Suominen Oyj:n pörssitiedote 4.6.2019 klo 13.00 Suomisen hallitus on päättänyt uudesta valikoiduille avainhenkilöille suunnatusta osakepohjaisesta kannustinjärjestelmästä. Tavoitteena on...
The Board of Directors of Suominen resolved on incentive plan for key employees
04 juin 2019 06h00 HE | Suominen Corporation
Suominen Corporation’s stock exchange release on June 4, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. (EET) The Board of Directors of Suominen Corporation has resolved to establish a new share-based incentive plan for...