Reform Rabbis, Largest Group of Jewish Clergy, Address Intermarriage at 121st Convention of the CCAR
08 mars 2010 18h10 HE
Central Conference of American Rabbis
SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - March 8, 2010) - The Reform rabbinate, the world's largest
group of Jewish clergy, addresses intermarriage during the 121st annual
convention of the Central...
World's Reform Rabbis, Largest Group of Jewish Clergy Convene in San Francisco on March 7 - 10
08 mars 2010 11h00 HE
Central Conference of American Rabbis
SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - March 8, 2010) - The World's Reform rabbis will convene in
San Francisco Sunday, March 7 through Wednesday, March 10 for the
121st Convention of the...