AS Tallinna Vesi wil
AS Tallinna Vesi will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results for the 2nd quarter of 2023
20 juil. 2023 06h04 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi invites its shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to join its investor conference webinar, introducing the results for the 2nd quarter and 6 months of 2023. The...
AS Tallinna Vesi ja
AS Tallinna Vesi ja AS Utilitas Tallinn sõlmisid lepingu hoonestusõiguse seadmiseks
17 mai 2023 05h06 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi ja AS Utilitas Tallinn on kokku leppinud hoonestusõiguse seadmises AS-ile Tallinna Vesi kuuluvale Paljassaare põik 14 asuvale kinnistule reoveesoojuspumbajaama ja seda teenindavate...
AS Tallinna Vesi and
AS Tallinna Vesi and AS Utilitas Tallinn concluded an agreement to establish a right of superficies
17 mai 2023 05h06 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi and AS Utilitas Tallinn have agreed to establish a right of superficies for the construction and operation of a wastewater heat pump plant and the buildings serving it on the...
AS Tallinna Vesi all
AS Tallinna Vesi allkirjastas laenulepingu summas 91 miljonit eurot
16 mai 2023 03h50 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi ja AS SEB Pank koos pankade Swedbank AS ja OP Corporate Bank plc Eesti filiaal sõlmisid sündikaatlaenu lepingu kogusummas 91 miljonit eurot. Laenulepingu tähtaeg on 15.05.2028 ning...
AS Tallinna Vesi sig
AS Tallinna Vesi signed a loan agreement for a total amount of EUR 91 million
16 mai 2023 03h50 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi and AS SEB Pank, together with Swedbank AS and OP Corporate Bank plc Estonian branch, signed a syndicated loan agreement for a total amount of EUR 91 million. The maturity of the loan...
AS Tallinna Vesi 202
AS Tallinna Vesi 2022. aasta dividendiettepanek ja dividendimakse ex-päev
09 mai 2023 02h00 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi juhatus teeb aktsionäride üldkoosolekule ettepaneku 2022. aasta kasumi jaotamiseks järgnevalt: Jaotada dividendidena 6 600 tuhat eurot Seltsi 31.12.2022 seisuga kogunenud 72 814...
AS Tallinna Vesi 202
AS Tallinna Vesi 2022 dividend proposal and ex-dividend date
09 mai 2023 02h00 HE | Tallinna Vesi
The Management Board of AS Tallinna Vesi proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that the profits for 2022 be distributed as follows: to distribute €6,600 thousand of the Company’s retained...
AS Tallinna Vesi kor
AS Tallinna Vesi korraldas 2023. aasta esimese kvartali tulemuste tutvustamiseks veebiseminari
28 avr. 2023 07h12 HE | Tallinna Vesi
Täna, 28. aprillil 2023 toimus veebiseminar, kus ettevõtte juhatuse esimees ja tegevjuht Aleksandr Timofejev tutvustas ettevõtte 2023. aasta esimese kvartali tulemusi. Täname kõiki osalejaid....
AS Tallinna Vesi hel
AS Tallinna Vesi held an investor conference webinar to introduce the results of the first quarter of 2023
28 avr. 2023 07h12 HE | Tallinna Vesi
Today, on 28 April 2023, AS Tallinna Vesi held an investor conference webinar where the Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer Aleksandr Timofejev introduced the performance of the...
AS Tallinna Vesi wil
AS Tallinna Vesi will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results for the 1st quarter of 2023
20 avr. 2023 09h09 HE | Tallinna Vesi
AS Tallinna Vesi invites shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to join its investor conference webinar, scheduled on April the 28th 2023 at 11 am (EET). The webinar will be held in...