State Environmental Legislators Announce 2015 Legislative Priorities
18 août 2014 11h00 HE
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
Minneapolis, Aug. 18, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This past weekend over 125 bipartisan state legislators from
across the nation met in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a conference to
set a pro-active...
Cow-Boarding Posed as Solution to Dairy Industry Woes
20 janv. 2014 09h36 HE
Weston A. Price Foundation
Annapolis, MD, Jan. 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- General Assembly. Delegates James Hubbard, (D-23A) and Nic Kipke
(R-31) have introduced a bill,
HB 3, Raw Milk--Consumer Owned Livestock, to restore...