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Pet Dermatology Treats Pets With Allergies & Skin Conditions
04 août 2013 10h00 HE | Wadsworth Animal Hospital
LAKEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 4, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pets that are excessively scratching, itching or biting their skin may be suffering from one or more allergies, according to Wadsworth Animal...
Lakewood Veterinarians Praise the Healing Effects of Pet Acupuncture
14 juil. 2013 10h00 HE | Wadsworth Animal Hospital
LAKEWOOD, Colo., July 14, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acupuncture for pets treats both the symptoms and causes of imbalances that occur within the pet's spirit, mind and body. Treatment entails the use...