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Former Federal Prosecutor John Helms Federal Drug Crimes Lawyer in Dallas
Dallas Federal Drug Crimes Lawyer John Helms Explains Why You Can Be Responsible if Another Person Flees Law Enforcement
22 févr. 2021 16h06 HE | John Helms Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer
Dallas, TX , Feb. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Drug Trafficking Cases In many drug trafficking cases a person who is part of the drug trafficking organization may try to get away from law...
Law Office of John M. Helms Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer John Helms Explains-How Knock-and-Announce Search Warrants Should Be Served and Enforced
08 déc. 2020 19h04 HE | Law Office of John M. Helms
Dallas, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Do Police Have to Knock and Announce Themselves Before Entering a Home? In most situations, even if the police have a search warrant, they should knock...