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New Novel Depicts the Life of a Modern-Day Everyman as He Navigates Anxiety, Disenchantment and Loss
22 mars 2021 09h00 HE
Archway Publishing
SAVANNAH, Ga., March 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to the New York Times, along with the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine came mental health struggles that have stemmed from many factors...
New fiction combines humor and limericks to share valuable insights on life and living
30 sept. 2020 00h00 HE
Archway Publishing
SAVANNAH, Ga., Sept. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Antony L. Saragas, through his latest publication “Once upon a Rhyme” (published by Archway Publishing), shares with readers all the life lessons he...