Comverse at Technology and Innovation Forum in Brazil: Machines May Soon Be Some of Your Best Customers
10 déc. 2012 08h00 HE
Comverse, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Mass., Dec. 10, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a featured presentation at the Forum of Technology and Innovation in Rio de Janeiro on December 11-13 2012, Comverse® (Nasdaq:CNSI), the...
Diabetes Educators Confirm PositiveID Corporation's iglucose Would Improve Patient Outcomes
27 sept. 2011 08h30 HE
PositiveID Corporation
Eighty-Three Percent of Diabetes Educators Polled at the American Association of Diabetes Educators Conference Believe iglucose Would Improve Patient Outcomes
PositiveID Submitted Its 510(k)...