FHLB Dallas, Metropolitan National Bank Provide Home Rehabilitation Assistance for Elderly Fayetteville Homeowner
13 août 2009 10h17 HE
Council of Federal Home Loan Banks
DALLAS, Aug. 13, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas) is pleased to award a $2,407 Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) grant to Etta Auslam of Fayetteville,...

Photo Release -- Metropolitan National Bank and FHLB Dallas Award $350,000 Affordable Housing Grant to Rebuilding Together of NWA Year Round Program
16 juil. 2009 17h48 HE
Council of Federal Home Loan Banks
DALLAS, July 16, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Northwest Arkansas group that rehabilitates homes for seniors, single parents, and disabled persons, has received a $350,000 Affordable Housing Program...