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Baltic RE Group īpaš
Baltic RE Group īpašums “The Icon” saņēmis BREEAM Excellent sertifikātu
23 janv. 2023 03h35 HE | Baltic RE Group
The Icon - AS Baltic RE Group atjaunotā, ievērojamā biroju ēka Raiņa bulvārī 25, kurā šobrīd atrodas AS Printful Latvia centrālais birojs, ir saņēmusi BREEAM In-Use sertifikātu ar...
Baltic RE Group’s pr
Baltic RE Group’s property “The Icon” received BREEAM Excellent certification
23 janv. 2023 03h35 HE | Baltic RE Group
The Icon - the landmark office building at 25 Raina Boulevard realized by AS Baltic RE Group, currently hosting the HQ of AS Printful Latvia - has received the BREEAM In-Use certificate...
Baltic RE Group iegā
Baltic RE Group iegādājas jaunu, nozīmīgu biroju ēku Daugavas krastā
28 nov. 2022 03h11 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group – pieredzējis nekustamo īpašumu investors, kas specializējas īpaši vērtīgu un būtisku nekustamo īpašumu portfeļu izveidē un turpmākā realizācijā Baltijā – iegādājies...
Baltic RE Group acqu
Baltic RE Group acquires a new landmark office property on the river Daugava bank
28 nov. 2022 03h11 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group – the experienced real estate investor that specializes in the creation and subsequent realization and management of value-added and core...
AS Baltic RE Group meitas uzņēmums veicis 3 miljonu eiro peļņas sadales obligāciju privāto izvietošanu ar 2,25% ienesīgumu
17 juin 2022 05h43 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group pilnībā piederošais meitas uzņēmums SIA Baltic Re Properties ir veicis korporatīvo pieaugošas procentu likmes peļņas sadales obligāciju privāto izvietošanu. Emisijas kopējā...
AS Baltic RE Group subsidiary completed the private placement of EUR 3 million of profit-sharing bonds at 2.25% yield
17 juin 2022 05h43 HE | Baltic RE Group
SIA Baltic Re Properties, a fully owned subsidiary of AS Baltic RE Group, has completed the private placement of corporate Step-up Profit Sharing Bonds. The total face value of the issue...
Baltic RE Group para
Baltic RE Group paraksta ilgtermiņa konsultatīvo līgumu ar Vesta Consulting zaļā kursa stratēģijas īstenošanai
11 avr. 2022 10h42 HE | Baltic RE Group
2022. gada sākumā AS Baltic RE Group (Baltic RE Group) un UAB Vesta Consulting (Vesta) parakstīja ilgtermiņa sadarbības līgumu par profesionālām konsultācijām nekustamo īpašumu attīstības ilgtspējības...
Baltic RE Group sign
Baltic RE Group signed a long-term advisory agreement with Vesta Consulting to implement a full “go green” strategy
11 avr. 2022 10h42 HE | Baltic RE Group
In the beginning of 2022 AS Baltic RE Group (Baltic RE Group) and UAB Vesta Consulting (Vesta) signed a long-term partnership agreement in regards to professional advice on sustainability solutions...
Baltic RE Group iegā
Baltic RE Group iegādājas senās Rīgas Melnā balzama rūpnīcas vēsturiskās ēkas
15 mars 2022 03h39 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group – pieredzējis nekustamo īpašumu investors, kas specializējas īpaši vērtīgu un būtisku nekustamo īpašumu portfeļu izveidē un turpmākā realizācijā Baltijā – no Orkla Eiendom...
Baltic RE Group acqu
Baltic RE Group acquires the historical buildings of the old Rīga Black Balsam Factory
15 mars 2022 03h39 HE | Baltic RE Group
  AS Baltic RE Group – the experienced real estate investor that specializes in the creation and subsequent realization and management of value-added and core portfolios in the Baltics – has...