Details Emerging in Puppy Death Case Pointing to Roommate and His Long-Time Friend as Real Killers, according to the Law Offices of Donald P. Day
02 mai 2023 14h38 HE
The Law Office of Donald P. Day
Naples, Fla., May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New information has come to light in the case of Robert Garon, a Naples resident falsely accused in the death of his beloved puppy, Buzz Lightyear, in...
Wrongfully Accused Robert Garon Enters Not Guilty Plea in Tragic Death of Adored Puppy, according to Law Offices of Donald P. Day
06 sept. 2022 17h58 HE
The Law Office of Donald P. Day
Naples, Fla. , Sept. 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robert Garon has entered a plea of not guilty on one count of animal cruelty in Naples’ Collier Circuit Court this morning, according to his counsel...