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Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied et Jackie Taylor élu(e)s à la tête de la Fédération du travail de l’Ontario sur la base d’une plateforme de pouvoir des travailleurs et travailleuses, d’éducation politique et organiser pour gagner
21 nov. 2023 11h53 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, 21 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mardi, lors du 17e Congrès biennal de la Fédération du travail de l'Ontario (FTO), Laura Walton, aide-enseignante, Ahmad Gaied, commis d’épicerie et Jackie...
Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, Jackie Taylor elected to lead the Ontario Federation of Labour on platform of worker power, political education, and organizing to win
21 nov. 2023 11h53 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, Jackie Taylor elected to lead the Ontario Federation of Labour on platform of worker power, political education, and organizing
Ontario Federation o
Ontario Federation of Labour announces boycott of Sheraton Ottawa Hotel
29 juin 2021 14h15 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
OTTAWA, June 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario Federation of Labour, which represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario has announced a boycott of the Sheraton Ottawa Hotel, 150...
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Instead of Tackling COVID-19 ‘Head On’, Ontario’s Budget takes a ‘head in the sand’ approach. More action needed: OFL
05 nov. 2020 18h34 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) said the Fall 2020 Ontario Budget fails to deliver urgent assistance for Ontarians and their families. The legacy of...
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Ford is using the health emergency to assault democracy with Bill 195, says OFL
22 juil. 2020 10h27 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, July 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario Federation of Labour is outraged by the anti-democratic, and unprecedented Bill 195 that has been rammed through the legislature by the Ford...
MEDIA ADVISORY: "Caravan for Justice" heads to St. Catharines to demand immediate protections and permanent resident status for migrant workers, as COVID-19 cases spike on farms
12 juin 2020 12h39 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, June 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fight for $15 & Fairness campaign will lead a caravan on Saturday, June 13, to demand urgent action from the Trudeau government to grant full...
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REPEAT – Media Advisory: Wednesday, June 3, Ontarians will demand action during the Ford Failed Us Province-wide Day of Action
03 juin 2020 06h00 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, June 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ontarians are fed up with the Ford government’s failure to support the working people of Ontario, and they will be telling him so on Wednesday, June 3 with...
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Media Advisory: Wednesday, June 3, Ontarians will demand action during the Ford Failed Us Province-wide Day of Action
02 juin 2020 16h57 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, June 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ontarians are fed up with the Ford government’s failure to support the working people of Ontario, and they will be telling him so on Wednesday, June 3 with...
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OFL to Ford Government: For Ontario’s economy to recover safely and prosper, post-COVID-19 plans must include workers and the unions that represent them
27 avr. 2020 17h17 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, April 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During all three phases of reopening Ontario’s economy, the government’s Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee must include the Official Opposition, and...
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OFL welcomes federal government action on retooling GM plant to produce facemasks, and urges the Ontario government to make similar directives to Ontario manufacturers
24 avr. 2020 14h18 HE | Ontario Federation of Labour
TORONTO, April 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The OFL is pleased to hear Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement that the government of Canada has reached an agreement with GM where the company will...