Kalmar Hybrid Straddle Carrier at DPW Southampton
Kalmar and DP World Southampton continue their joint eco-efficiency journey with new hybrid straddle carrier order
09 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | Kalmar Corporation
KALMAR CORPORATION, TRADE PRESS RELEASE, 9 SEPTEMBER 2024 AT 9.00 (EEST) Kalmar and DP World Southampton continue their joint eco-efficiency journey with new hybrid straddle carrier order ...
Kalmar Light Electric Forklift
Kalmar electric forklift trucks to support Outokumpu’s emissions-reduction targets at Tornio steel plant
06 sept. 2024 03h00 HE | Kalmar Corporation
KALMAR CORPORATION, TRADE PRESS RELEASE, 6 SEPTEMBER 2024 AT 10.00 (EEST) Kalmar electric forklift trucks to support Outokumpu’s emissions-reduction targets at Tornio steel plant Kalmar...
Deposco Garners 2024 SupplyTech Breakthrough Award For “3PL Innovation Of The Year”
13 juin 2024 08h02 HE | SupplyTech Breakthrough
LOS ANGELES, June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SupplyTech Breakthrough, a leading independent market intelligence organization that evaluates and recognizes standout technology companies, products...
Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam
Kalmarin sähkö- ja hybridikonttilukit vähentämään ECT Delta -terminaalin päästöjä Rotterdamissa
21 févr. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Oyj
CARGOTEC OYJ, LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE, 21. HELMIKUUTA 2024 KLO 10 (EET)Cargoteciin kuuluva Kalmar on tehnyt sopimuksen kahden täyssähköisen ja kahdeksan hybriditekniikalla toimivan konttilukin...
Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam
Kalmar’s electric and hybrid straddle carriers to play role in cutting emissions at ECT Delta terminal in Rotterdam
21 févr. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Corporation
CARGOTEC CORPORATION, PRESS RELEASE, 21 FEBRUARY 2024 AT 10 (EET)Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has concluded an agreement to supply Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam with two fully electric and eight hybrid...
MOFFETT M8 55 NX image 1
Hiabille merkittäviä kuormausnosturi- ja ajoneuvotrukkitilauksia Yhdysvalloissa
31 janv. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Oyj
CARGOTEC OYJ, LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE, 31. TAMMIKUUTA 2024 KLO 10.00 Cargoteciin kuuluva Hiab on saanut kaksi merkittävää Hiab-laitetilausta Yhdysvalloissa. Valtakunnallinen rautakauppaketju on...
MOFFETT M8 55 NX image 1
Hiab receives significant orders in the US for loader cranes and truck mounted forklifts
31 janv. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Corporation
CARGOTEC CORPORATION, PRESS RELEASE, 31 JANUARY 2024 AT 10:00 AM EET Hiab, part of Cargotec, has received two significant orders for Hiab equipment in the US. A national home improvement...
Serstech receives order of 2.8 MSEK from Aerotech in Chile
15 janv. 2024 13h00 HE | Serstech
Serstech today received an order of 2.8 MSEK from its partner Aerotech in Chile. The order contains Serstech 100 Indicator and the patented SERS kit. The order will be delivered to the Chilean...
Kalmarin raskaan kapasiteettiluokan sähkötrukki
Kalmar ja Wallenius Wilhelmsen vahvistavat vuosikymmeniä kestänyttä yhteistyötään uudella tilauksella, joka sisältää täyssähköisiä haarukkatrukkeja ja konttikurottajia
08 janv. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Oyj
CARGOTEC OYJ, LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE, 8. TAMMIKUUTA 2024 KLO 10Cargoteciin kuuluva Kalmar on saanut suuren tilauksen johtavalta norjalaiselta logistiikkapalvelujen tarjoajalta Wallenius Wilhelmseniltä....
Kalmar Heavy Electric Forklift Truck
Kalmar and Wallenius Wilhelmsen strengthen decades-long collaboration with new order including fully electric forklift trucks and reachstackers
08 janv. 2024 03h00 HE | Cargotec Corporation
CARGOTEC CORPORATION, PRESS RELEASE, 8 JANUARY 2024 AT 10 AM (EET)Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has received a large order from leading Norwegian logistics service provider Wallenius Wilhelmsen to supply...