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UPDATE: Safety Alerts for Education Foundation (S.A.F.E.) Donates Emergency Alerts Platform to Schools, Colleges and Universities Across the US for Enhanced Protection in the Event of a Life-Threatening Emergency
19 avr. 2019 10h45 HE | Safety Alerts for Education (S.A.F.E.)
Hyper-local Mobile Alerts Can Save Lives in an Emergency Such as a Mass Shooting, Where a Few Seconds Can be the Difference Between Life and Death Nashua, NH, April 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via...
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The Developers of Massachusetts Alerts Donate their Emergency Alerts Platform to Massachusetts Schools, for Enhanced Protection in the Event of a Life-Threatening Emergency
25 mars 2019 09h00 HE | Safety Alerts for Education (S.A.F.E.)
Hyper-Local Mobile Alerts Can Save Lives in an Emergency Such as a Mass Shooting, Where a Few Seconds Can be the Difference Between Life and Death Nashua, NH, March 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)...