Résultats de la recherche

Wereldhave announces successful completion of placement of shares
06 déc. 2023 02h45 HE | Wereldhave N.V.
Wereldhave informs that the issuance of 3,605,208 new Wereldhave N.V. shares, after market on Tuesday 5 December 2023, following the contribution in kind of shopping center Polderplein in Hoofddorp...
Wereldhave acquires shopping center Polderplein in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands, and enters growth phase of its LifeCentral strategy
05 déc. 2023 11h40 HE | Wereldhave N.V.
Wereldhave has reached agreement with DELA Vastgoed B.V. (‘DELA’) regarding the acquisition of shopping center Polderplein and its parking garage in Hoofddorp (The Netherlands), with a total gross...