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Reese's is freezing eggs!
Reese’s is Freezing Eggs!
15 avr. 2019 09h00 HE | The Hershey Company
HERSHEY, Pa., April 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Easter is almost here, which means Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs won’t be around much longer.  While it’s no secret that everyone loves these chocolate...
Reeses Easter Egg HC Media Mailer 1
REESE’S Sets Up the Easter-Themed April Fools’ Prank You’ve Been Dreaming About 
29 mars 2018 07h00 HE | The Hershey Company
HERSHEY, Pa., March 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Finally, a practical joke you’d welcome. This year, Easter and April Fools’ fall on the same day, so Reese’s decided to celebrate a little early and...