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RWF 2017 by Jim Orgill
The Quack Is Back…. Again
13 avr. 2023 10h00 HE | Toronto Waterfront Festival
TORONTO, April 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Toronto Waterfront Festival, formerly Redpath Waterfront Festival, announced today the huge news that the World’s Largest Rubber Duck will finally...
Tall Ships, Flying Dogs, a Water Circus and One Giant Duck!
19 nov. 2020 11h00 HE | Redpath Waterfront Festival
TORONTO, Nov. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Redpath Waterfront Festival (RWF), presented by Billy Bishop Airport, is celebrating its 10th anniversary by releasing a video highlighting the...
Mama Duck
The Quack is Back! World’s Largest Rubber Duck Returns for 10th Anniversary of Redpath Waterfront Festival
13 janv. 2020 08h55 HE | Redpath Waterfront Festival
TORONTO, Jan. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On the occasion of National Rubber Ducky Day, the Redpath Waterfront Festival (RWF), presented by Billy Bishop Airport, today announced the return of the...