Innovation Takes the Stage With Metal 3D Printing for Modelers and Creatives
04 août 2009 09h05 HE
NEW ORLEANS, LA--(Marketwire - August 4, 2009) - SIGGRAPH - Many 3D modelers have found
their way to Shapeways to bring their personal designs to life by using 3D
printing. Until now the materials...
CGArena, iZ3D, and MTBS Launch S-3D CG Art Contest for SIGGRAPH 2008
29 juil. 2008 14h12 HE
Meant to be Seen (MTBS)
LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - July 29, 2008) - Stereoscopic 3D (S-3D) is easily one of the
most talked about technologies in the gaming market, and Meant to be Seen,
CGArena, and iZ3D have teamed up...