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Vystar’s Subsidiary, Rotmans going out of business as Steve Rotman retires from Rotmans Furniture
13 oct. 2022 15h10 HE | Vystar Corp.
New England’s largest furniture and flooring store begins liquidation October 14 WORCESTER, Mass., Oct. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar® Corporation (OTCQB: VYST) – Rotmans, the largest...
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Vystar’s Securities to Begin Trading on OTCQB Sept. 10
10 sept. 2019 08h00 HE | Vystar Corp
WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corp. (OTCQB: VYST) is approved to have its securities trade on the OTCQB marketplace, effective September 10, 2019. All classes of...
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Vystar Enters Definitive Agreement to Acquire Rotmans Furniture – Largest Independent Furniture Retailer in Northeast
22 juil. 2019 07h30 HE | Vystar Corp
Rotmans Furniture expected to significantly increase Vystar revenueProvides Vystar with sales, warehousing and distribution infrastructureEnables Rotmans Furniture to access the capital markets for...