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Greystone Provides $35.7 Million in HUD-Insured Financing for Two Illinois Supportive Living Facilities
08 mai 2023 11h40 HE
NEW YORK, May 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Greystone, a leading national commercial real estate finance company, has provided a total of $35,740,00 in HUD-insured loans to refinance two Supportive...
Greystone Provides $13.6 Million in HUD-Insured Financing for Illinois Supportive Living Facility
24 avr. 2023 10h05 HE
NEW YORK, April 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Greystone, a leading national commercial real estate finance company, has provided a $13,698,300 HUD-insured loan to refinance a 122-bed Supportive...