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CN locomotive engineers in Canada ratify new contract
23 mai 2018 13h12 HE
Canadian National Railway
MONTREAL, May 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CN (TSX:CNR) (NYSE:CNI) announced today that the company’s 1,800 locomotives engineers in Canada have successfully ratified a new collective agreement. ...
Le CN et la CFTC concluent un accord de principe concernant la nouvelle convention collective des mécaniciens de locomotive au Canada
22 mars 2018 11h20 HE
Canadian National Railway
MONTRÉAL, 22 mars 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le CN (TSX:CNR) (NYSE:CNI) et la Conférence ferroviaire de Teamsters Canada (CFTC) ont annoncé aujourd’hui qu’ils étaient parvenus à un accord de...
CN and TCRC reach tentative agreement on new labour contract for locomotive engineers in Canada
22 mars 2018 11h20 HE
Canadian National Railway
MONTREAL, March 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CN (TSX:CNR) (NYSE:CNI) and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference announced today that the parties have reached a tentative agreement to renew the labour...