Out-of-court Settlement Between Telenor and NetCom
07 mars 2003 08h45 HE
OSLO and FORNEBU, Norway, March 7, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- The parties have agreed on an out-of-court settlement that involves Telenor (Nasdaq:TELN) paying NOK 35 million, including interest on arrears...
Kinnevik Disclosure of Substantial Shareholding in Tele2
02 oct. 2002 13h29 HE
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 2, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik (pub) (org.nr 556001-9035) (Nasdaq:KVIKA) (Nasdaq:KVIKB) with subsidiaries, today announced that it has purchased...

Telia is Not Granted Inhibition in Case Against Tele2 Regarding Interconnect Rates
16 mai 2002 03h45 HE
NEW YORK and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 16, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Tele2 AB, ("Tele2," "the Group") (Nasdaq:TLTOA) (Nasdaq:TLTOB) (Stockholmsborsen: TEL2A) (Stockholmsborsen:TEL2B), the leading alternative...
Allgon Chosen as First Supplier of 3G Equipment
30 janv. 2002 06h05 HE
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, January 30, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Allgon, the global supplier of radio-based infrastructure solutions for cellular communications, has been awarded a Letter of Intent by one of the...
Autowest Honda Renovates and Innovates by Equipping its Sales Force with the DealerAdvance Mobile Sales System
13 juil. 2001 11h46 HE
ROSEVILLE, Calif., July 13, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Recently
renovated Autowest Honda of Roseville has retooled its sales force
with DealerAdvance(tm), a groundbreaking mobile sales system that
Competitive Technologies Investee Receives Investment From Intel Capital
08 févr. 2001 08h50 HE
Competitive Technologies, Inc.
FAIRFIELD, CT., Feb. 8, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Competitive Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:CTT) stated today that its investee Digital Ink, a leading developer of digital handwriting technology, has announced...
Axis AB (publ) Interim Report May - July 2000
30 août 2000 11h44 HE
Axis AB
SWEDEN, August 30, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Axis Communications AB Interim Report.
-- Total sales negatively affected by weak European IT market
-- Increased investments in wireless...
Axis AB (publ) Interim Report May - July 2000
30 août 2000 11h40 HE
Axis AB
SWEDEN, August 30, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Axis Communications AB Interim Report.
-- Total sales negatively affected by weak European IT market
-- Increased investments in wireless...
Axis AB (publ) Interim Report May - July 2000
30 août 2000 11h25 HE
Axis AB
SWEDEN, August 30, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Axis Communications AB Interim Report.
-- Total sales negatively affected by weak European IT market
-- Increased investments in wireless...