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Thanksgiving and Feed 10,000 People 149
Minnie’s Food Pantry to Host Annual Thanksgiving Giveaway-Feeding 10,000
19 nov. 2021 11h00 HE | Minnie's Food Pantry
PLANO, Texas, Nov. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Minnie’s Food Pantry, with the help of over 200 volunteers, will bring the red-carpet experience to Plano, TX and host the 14th annual turkey giveaway...
Press Release Photo 11.20
Minnie’s Food Pantry to Distribute Complete Thanksgiving Meals to 13,000 individuals in North Texas
20 nov. 2020 19h00 HE | Minnie's Food Pantry
PLANO, Texas, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What:Minnie’s Food Pantry celebrates the Thanksgiving holidays by distributing complete Thanksgiving meals, including a turkey and all the traditional...