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Clariant generated double-digit sales and EBITDA growth in Q3 2022
27 oct. 2022 01h00 HE | Clariant International Ltd
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 53 LR   Q3 2022: Sales increased by 27 % in local currency to CHF 1.312 billion, supported by both pricing and volume growth, EBITDA margin increased to 16.8 %...
Clariant significantly increased profitability in the third quarter of 2021 on the back of double-digit sales growth
28 oct. 2021 01h00 HE | Clariant International Ltd
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 53 LR Third quarter 2021 sales from continuing operations increased by 23 % in local currency to CHF 1.096 billionThird quarter continuing...
Clariant preserves profitability in first nine months of 2020 despite difficult economic environment
29 oct. 2020 02h00 HE | Clariant AG
Sales from continuing operations decreased by 6 % in local currency to CHF 2.838 billionContinuing operations EBITDA at CHF 419 millionEBITDA margin resilient at 14.8 % compared to an operational...
Clariant grows sales and improves underlying profitability in the first nine months of 2019
30 oct. 2019 02h00 HE | Clariant AG
Sales from continuing operations grew by 3 % in local currency to CHF 3.272 billion in the first nine months of 2019 Continuing operations EBITDA after exceptional items (excl. European Commission...