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AVV978 Miniature F38 Series ESR PR
UPDATED: AVX Reduces the ESR of its F38 Series Miniature Polymer Tantalum Capacitors
04 févr. 2016 13h47 HE | AVX Corporation
FOUNTAIN INN, S.C., Feb. 4, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of passive components and interconnect solutions, has earned a third superlative for its F38 Series...
AVV978 Miniature F38 Series ESR PR
AVX Reduces the ESR of its F36 Series Miniature Polymer Tantalum Capacitors
04 févr. 2016 09h39 HE | AVX Corporation
FOUNTAIN INN, S.C., Feb. 4, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of passive components and interconnect solutions, has earned a third superlative for its F38 Series...