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EMV Migration Forum Advances U.S. EMV Chip Migration With Release of EMV Debit Technical Framework
29 avr. 2014 08h49 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., April 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The EMV Migration Forum is providing the U.S. debit payments industry with a strong path forward in their move to EMV chip technology with...
EMV Migration Forum Expects Major Increase in U.S. Chip Adoption in Next Year, Defines EMV Debit Framework
02 avr. 2014 09h46 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., April 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- U.S. EMV chip adoption is poised for exponential growth in the next year from today's estimated 17 to 20 million EMV chip cards and millions...
Use of Common Terms to Fuel U.S. Migration to EMV Chip Payments
01 avr. 2014 08h50 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., April 1, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. payments system is changing as we join 80+ other countries and move to chip card payments. As new payment cards, new acceptance...
House Hearing on Data Breaches: Smart Card Alliance's Vanderhoof Testifies in Support of U.S. Move to EMV Chip Payments to Curb Cybercrime
06 mars 2014 12h30 HE
Secure Technology Alliance
WASHINGTON, March 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Increasing instances of cybercrime against retail systems in the U.S. highlight the need for EMV chip cards," Randy Vanderhoof, executive director of the...
EMV Migration Forum Offers Second 'EMV 101' Webinar to Educate Banks, Merchants and Processors on U.S. Move to Chip Card Payments
24 févr. 2014 12h35 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Feb. 24, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. payments industry is accelerating its move to EMV chip card payments to reduce counterfeit card fraud, provide global...
News From the 2014 Payments Summit: 2014 to be Watershed Year for U.S. Payments as EMV Chip Card, Mobile Payments Ramp Up in Retail and Transit
12 févr. 2014 09h30 HE
Secure Technology Alliance
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Feb. 12, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A dramatic payments evolution is underway in the U.S., bringing consumers new, secure and convenient ways to pay with EMV chip cards and...
U.S. EMV Migration Efforts Continue Despite Debit Regulatory Challenges
03 oct. 2013 12h06 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Oct. 3, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following its first anniversary as an organization,the EMV
Migration Forum and its payment industry members are continuing to
work together...
EMV Migration Forum Releases White Paper on Testing and Certification Requirements for Acquirer Community in U.S. Move to EMV Chip Payments
10 sept. 2013 08h00 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Sept. 10, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The EMV Migration
Forum's Testing and Certification Working Committee has
released a new resource outlining the current U.S. payment...
EMV Migration Forum Continues to Support the U.S. Move to EMV Chip With Significant Working Committee Progress, Newly Elected Officers
09 avr. 2013 09h00 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., April 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following its March meeting, the EMV Migration Forum announced
significant progress in Working Committee projects to support the
EMV Migration Forum Ramps Up Efforts to Support U.S. Move to Chip-based Payments, Elects Steering Committee
05 mars 2013 08h00 HE
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., March 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Formed in August 2012 to help the payments ecosystem in the
United States move to a new way to pay with EMV
chip cards, the EMV...