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Another Historic Day for Equality: Equal Rights Amendment Officially Affirmed as the Law of the Land
20 janv. 2025 14h33 HE
FEM Inc.
We, as a nation, must affirm and protect women’s full equality once and for all.
Oklahoma U.S. Senate Nominee Madison Horn Reacts to Lankford's Claims of Rain from God, As a Blessing for Restricting Women's Rights
22 sept. 2022 14h47 HE
Oklahomans for Madison
OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Madison Horn, U.S. Senate Nominee and cybersecurity expert from Oklahoma, is running against James Lankford for the U.S. Senate. She has rural roots...
Global Human Rights Group Breakthrough Launches High-Impact #ImHere Campaign for Immigrant Women's Rights
23 août 2012 19h32 HE
NEW YORK, Aug. 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At a moment when both women's rights and immigrant rights are under unprecedented attack — and when immigrants are demanding justice more boldly than...