The shareholders of Schibsted ASA are hereby informed that the Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 17:00 hrs at the company’s premises in Apotekergt. 10, Oslo. Voting slips will be available at the meeting location from 16:30 hrs.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Presentation of the profit and loss account for 1999 for Schibsted ASA and the Group.

2. Approval of the annual accounts for 1999 and the Board of Directors’ annual report for Schibsted ASA and the Group.

3. Approval of the proposed allocation for dividend.

4. Approval of the remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors.

5. Approval of the remuneration to the auditors.

6. Proposal to give the Board of Directors renewed authority to repurchase shares of Schibsted ASA in accordance with the limited company act.

7. Election to the Board of Directors including the Chairman and the Vice Chairman. The election committee’s proposal will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

8. Election to the Election Committee.

Please find enclosed Schibsted’s Annual Report including the Auditor's report and the Board of Directors’ proposal for dividend.

Shareholders who wish to be present at the Annual General Meeting are requested to send notice to DnB Verdipapirservice, P.O.Box 1171 Sentrum, N-0107 Oslo, no later than Thursday May 4, 1999, by returning the enclosed participation form.

Any shareholder may appoint a proxy with written authority to attend the meeting and to vote on his/her behalf. Proxy without specific voting instructions can be given to the Chairman of the Board, Tinius Nagell-Erichsen, c/o DnB Verdipapirservice, P.O.Box 1171 Sentrum, N-0107 Oslo. The Annual General Meeting will be opened by the Chairman of the Board.

This notice with enclosures are sent to all shareholders with known address in addition to being published in Aftenposten.

Registered shareholders at May 11, 2000 are entitled to dividend, payable on May 31, 2000.

Any questions regarding the Annual General Meeting can be directed to DnB Verdipapirservice, telephone + 47 22 94 92 61.

For registration and proxy form, follow the enclosed link:
