Information Highway and Connecta-merger complete

The new company thereby becomes one of the Europe's biggest Internet players, and the absolute leader in the business-to-business market, the segment expected to experience the highest growth rates in the future. With its headcount of some 1,400 (including berens/partner of Germany), the new group will gain an extremely secure platform, as well as having features including Europe's biggest strategic consulting unit. The merger has progressed very smoothly, and is now largely complete.

Trading in the new share is scheduled to commence on or around 22 May 2000. The application period has been extended for most shareholders that have still not accepted the offer, and those that do so during this extension period will receive new Information Highway shares on or around 20 June 2000. Information Highway intends to demand compulsory redemption of any remaining shares after the end of the extended application period.

Invitations to the first joint shareholders' meeting on 6 June will be issued today in the customary manner.