Telenor offers lowest rates to mobile phones

On 15 June Telenor will cut the price from fixed line phones to Telenor Mobil by NOK 0.21 per minute. The new price will be NOK 1.48/minute, which represents a price cut of 12 per cent. This reduction applies both to Telenor’s private and corporate customers. In combination with Telenor’s discount plans, this will offer very competitive prices to Telenor’s customers.

In addition to the price cut, private individuals can receive a discount of up to 20 per cent on this type of call. The lowest price for calling from a fixed line phone to a mobile phone will be NOK 1.18 per minute then. Other discount plans are available to the corporate market.

Lowest price in the world
–We want to offer the lowest prices for a type of call that will benefit most people, says Nomeland. He advises that calls to mobile phones is the type of call that is growing the most, and it represents a significant portion of many people’s phone bill. –Norway has perhaps the lowest prices in the world for calls from fixed line to mobile phones, and Telenor intends to stay in the forefront, he maintains.

Additional price cuts
This new price offensive comes at the same time as Telenor has announced major price cuts for international fixed line calls. These cuts will represent a total price reduction of 16 per cent.

–I can promise you that these price cuts will be for calls to countries our customers call a lot, says Telenor’s Ole Tom Nomeland. –Also here it is the bottom line that is important to our customers, not if the prices are lower for calls to countries they have hardly ever heard of, he says.