Jukka Viinanen appointed President of Orion Corporation

At its meeting held today the Supervisory Board of Orion Corporation appointed Mr. Jukka Viinanen, M.Sc. (Tech.), President and CEO of Orion Corporation and Member of the Board as of June 16, 2000. At the same time Mr. Markku Talonen, the present President and CEO, resigns from the Board of Directors of Orion Corporation.

As of June 16, 2000 the members of the Board of Orion Corporation are: Mr. Juhani Leikola, Chairman, Mr. Aatto Prihti, Vice Chairman, Mr. Erkki Etola, Mr. Eero Karvonen, Mr. Jukka Viinanen and Mr. Pauli Torkko.

Orion Corporation

Markku Talonen

Henry Haarla